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Executive Education - Corporate Governance

FIDE Elective: Understanding Liquidity Risk Management in Banking (Registration Closed)

Executive Education - Corporate Governance

FIDE Elective: Understanding Liquidity Risk Management in Banking (Registration Closed)

18 June 2024


9.00am - 5.00pm


RM 3,000

Program Fee



18 June 2024


9.00am - 5.00pm



Program Fee



Liquidity risk management is an often overlooked and misunderstood aspect of risk management, despite being fundamental to a company’s day-to-day survival. For banks, liquidity risk management is all the more critical, as the bank’s main business lies within asset and liability management, which inevitably links to liquidity risk management. The program will begin by establishing the definitions and practical applications of what we mean by “liquidity.” This includes managing liquidity for survival, liquidity for growth, trading liquidity as well as structural liquidity.

The program will then cover managing balance sheet liquidity, which involves developing the conceptual framework and skill sets needed to identify, measure, control and monitor liquidity risk. As the regulator plays an indispensable role in the functioning of any country’s banking system, we will also review liquidity risk management with specific reference to current regulatory requirements as well as the tools availed by the central bank to manage liquidity in the market.

As liquidity risk management is a highly specialized field, the program will include specific real-life examples to illustrate concepts shared including episodes and case studies gleaned from both local and foreign banks. The session will be interactive, with ample opportunities for participant engagement and discussion.


At the end of the program, directors will gain a big-picture view of liquidity risk management and will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to assess and analyze liquidity risk management in a banking context.

  • Directors
  • Senior Management
  • Anyone who might find this program helpful

Philip Tan Puay Koon

Faculty Profile

Philip Tan Puay Koon is a Professional Board Director and Treasury Training Consultant with close to four decades of experience in Banking and Finance and more than 15 years of experience in Board Governance and Oversight.

Philip has served in various regional and local leadership roles as a Managing Director in Citigroup. He was a midcareer hire at Citibank Berhad, Malaysia where he served as Financial Markets Head and Country Treasurer of Citibank Berhad as well as Director of Citibank (L) Limited. In 2001, he joined the Citigroup Regional Office in Singapore as Director of Asia-Pacific Risk Treasury before being appointed as Chief Financial Officer of the Asia-Pacific Emerging Market (EM) Sales & Trading Business Group of Citibank NA in 2004.

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FIDE Elective: Understanding Liquidity Risk Management in Banking (Registration Closed)

RM 3,000

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