Professor Michael Frese of Asia School of Business among three winners of inaugural research impact award
Professor Michael Frese – Professor of Management at Asia School of Business– has done the institution proud once again by becoming one of top authors awarded with the inaugural 10-Year Impact Awards by SAGE Publishing for the year 2020. The award honors the three papers published in 2009, that were most cited between 2009 and 2019.
His article titled “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance: An Assessment of Past Research and Suggestions for the Future”, written in collaboration with Andreas Rauch, Johan Wiklund and G.T. Lumpkin for Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, received more than 3,000 citations over the 10-year period to qualify for the award. The article provide a meta-analysis on the literature and explores the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and business performance, going beyond a qualitative assessment to determine the magnitude of this relationship, while also assessing potential moderators affecting it.
SAGE, a leading international provider of high-quality content with over 1,000 journals in circulation and more than 800 new books published each year, created the Awards to recognize research that continues to be influential over the longer term. For this year’s awards, SAGE considered citation data from over 40,000 articles across a wide range of disciplines, around 75% of which were focused on social and behavioural science (SBS).
With urgency and speed being the current trend in research output, the 10-Year Impact Awards seeks to draw attention to the fact that many important contributions to social and behavioural science (SBS) often grow in influence and significance over time. The award is part of SAGE’s larger effort to inspire and change the conversation around research impact, particularly where the SBS? discipline is concerned.
This award adds to Professor Frese’s credentials as one of the most-cited management scholars (with over 50,000 citations), and a leading organizational behaviour and entrepreneurship researcher. Professor Frese has authored or co-authored approximately 190 articles and over 200 book chapters, and has co-authored more than 30 books in the areas of Management, Organizational Behaviour and Entrepreneurship.
Official press release of the award can be found here.
More information about Professor Frese can be found here and under his Google Scholar account.