United Nations Agenda 2030 – The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Covid-19
The Impact of Covid-19 on SDG
The world is facing the most severe economic downturn since the great depression of 1920’s. The Covid-19 pandemic that instigated this, has been the worst public health crisis in the past hundred years. On the eve of Christmas 2020, the number of Covid‑19 cases in Malaysia passed the 100,000 mark. The global tally has crossed 80.5 Million with more than 1.76 Million deaths.
The United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been a remarkable milestone in the sense that it is a global commitment to a shared responsibility, to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030 world-wide, with no one is left behind.
Malaysia’s Progress on SDG
The lockdown and movement control order measures taken to respond to the health crisis have caused the slowing down of the economic activities and many cases, even a total shutdown impacting various public and private sectors. This has resulted in massive job losses, budget cuts and down-sizing, with a greater and immediate impact on the more vulnerable groups of the society who earned daily wages tied to these economic activities.
This economic and health crisis has put a significant setback to achieving the SDGs in particular for the low income and developing countries. At the same time Covid‑19 has also made these SDG’ s more relevant than ever. Malaysia’s overall SDG score of 71.76 on a scale of 100 indicates its progress towards achieving the 17 SDGs with an overall rank of 60 among 193 countries.

So what could we do next? The key, is to learn from the past and reinstate the economic activities in a way that these are sustainable, without restoring to old patterns of environmental degradation. Since the adoption of these goals in 2015, South East Asian countries have made the most progress towards these goals. The region has also managed the Covid‑19 outbreak more effectively as compared to the rest of the world§.
§ https://dashboards.sdgindex.org/messages
SDG Assessment for Malaysia – 2020

SDG Trends for Malaysia 2020

Even before Covid‑19, many parts of the world were progressing slowly and even experiencing reversals especially towards SDG Goal 2 of Zero Hunger. The accelerated loss of terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity had also affected the performance on SDG Goal 15 i.e. Life on Land§.
§ https://dashboards.sdgindex.org/messages
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