Asia School of Business

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Executive Education – Corporate Governance

FIDE Elective: Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of Asset-Liability Committees (ALCO) and Asset-Liability Management

Executive Education – Corporate Governance

FIDE Elective: Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of Asset-Liability Committees (ALCO) and Asset-Liability Management

August 1 – 2, 2024


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


RM 5,000*

Program Fee




The Asset-Liability Committee (ALCO) provides important oversight and governance of the balance sheet of any financial institution and is an integral part of its risk management framework. ALCOs may at times be dysfunctional due to the underperformance of its members arising from weaknesses in the understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

This program provides an overview of the ALCO’s roles and responsibilities in managing the funding and liquidity of the financial institution as well as its management of the market risk of the accrual portfolio and in capital management. The program also provides insights on how to constitute an ALCO, structure its constitution and set its agenda for effective risk management.

The program will also look at banking crises including the recent Silicon Valley Bank failure and its impact on asset-liability management.

  • Have a good overview of the Asset-Liability Management Framework, ALCOs and the hierarchy of ALCOs;
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of ALCO;
  • Have deeper insight into the management of capital, funding and liquidity; as well as market risk of non-trading (accrual) portfolio including Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP);
  • Understand the constitution of ALCOs and how to set up an ALCO;
  • Have a good overview of the ALCO agenda.
  • Board of Directors of banks
  • Members of Bank Board Risk Management Committees
  • Anyone who might find this program helpful.
Philip Tan Puay Koon

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Faculty Profile

Dato’ Philip Tan Puay Koon is a Professional Board Director and Treasury Training Consultant with close to four decades of experience in Banking and Finance and more than 15 years of experience in Board Governance and Oversight.

Dato’ Tan has served in various regional and local leadership roles as a Managing Director in Citigroup. He was a mid-career hire at Citibank Berhad, Malaysia where he served as Financial Markets Head and Country Treasurer of Citibank Berhad as well as Director of Citibank (L) Limited. In 2001, Dato’ Tan joined the Citigroup

Regional Office in Singapore as Director of Asia-Pacific Risk Treasury before being appointed as Chief Financial Officer of the Asia-Pacific Emerging Market (EM) Sales & Trading Business Group of Citibank NA in 2004.

Prior to 1995, Dato’ Tan spent 14 years with the MUI Group of companies in Malaysia where he served in various senior management capacities in MUI Bank and MUI Finance.

Owing to Dato’ Tan’s extensive experience and deep insights in the fields of banking and finance, he currently serves as an Independent Director of Maybank Investment Bank Berhad and AIG Malaysia Insurance Berhad.

He has also previously served as an Independent Director in Citibank Berhad, MIDF Amanah Investment Bank, Cagamas Berhad, Danajamin Nasional Berhad, Payments Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet) as well as a Non-Public Interest Director in Private Pension Administrator (PPA) Malaysia; these companies and institutions being part of the Malaysian banking, financial and payments ecosystem.

In corporate Malaysia and globally, Dato’ Tan serves as an Independent Director of SD Guthrie International Limited. He had also previously served as Senior Independent Director of public-listed SP Setia Berhad and as a Director of China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park (GuangXi) Development Co. Ltd., a Belt and Road project in Southern China.

Dato’ Tan is the current Chairman of the Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee (CDRC) established by Bank Negara Malaysia and is also an External Member of the Financial Market Infrastructure Committee (FMIC) of Bank Negara Malaysia.

He is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer of the Iclif Executive Education Centre, Asia School of Business (ASB) (in collaboration with MIT Sloan) and teaches the risk segment in the FIDE Core Program as well as in other elective programs.

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FIDE Elective: Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of Asset-Liability Committees (ALCO) and Asset-Liability Management

RM 5,000*

*excludes Sales & Service Tax (8%)


Program Fee

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