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Executive Education – Corporate Governance

FIDE Elective: Market Risk Management – Banking Sector

Executive Education – Corporate Governance

FIDE Elective: Market Risk Management – Banking Sector

August 6 – 7, 2024


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


RM 5,000*

Program Fee




This program is designed to equip directors especially those sitting on bank risk management committees with a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. It will provide an overview of market risk management in both the traded and non-traded exposures within banks.

It will also explore Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) regulatory requirements and supervisory expectations using case studies and the Basel Pillar 3 reports of selected local financial institutions to fresh out real-life risk management, capital and risk-weighted asset allocation strategies while comparing and contrasting practical management actions.

The program allows for an in-depth discourse on both current and forward-looking action plans in managing market risks on the back of a volatile and constantly evolving operating landscape.

  • Identify and understand the different market risk exposures faced by banks;
  • Articulate the key elements of respective market risks and their impact on overall profitability, soundness and solvency of the bank;
  • Gain understanding to enable a forward-looking view of market risks and its connection to overall enterprise risk management;
  • Learn how to review risk reports, interpret dashboard indicators and ask the right questions of management.
  • Members of Bank Board Risk Management Committees
  • Board of Directors
  • Senior Management
  • Anyone who may find this program helpful.
Anthony Lim

Faculty Profile

Anthony Lim has over 35 years’ experience in the banking and finance industry, serving in key management positions covering treasury, business banking, asset and funds management, investment banking and risk management. Up until 2020, he was Deputy CEO of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Berhad and prior to that, an independent director and chairman of the Risk Management Committee for the same bank.

He was with Maybank Berhad for almost 20 years, serving in several senior management positions. Prior to that, he had worked in ANZ Bank Limited and St. George Bank in Sydney, Australia. Anthony is a Chartered Banker with the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Banking and Finance.

He attended both the Senior Management and the Advanced Management Programs in Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. Anthony graduated with a Master Degree in Applied Finance from the Macquarie University, Australia and was a registered securities dealer under the Australian Financial Markets Association.

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FIDE Elective: Market Risk Management – Banking Sector

RM 5,000*

*excludes Sales & Service Tax (8%)


Program Fee

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