Asia School of Business

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Executive Education – Corporate Governance

Governance in Groups

Executive Education – Corporate Governance

Governance in Groups

May 29, 2023


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


RM 2,500*

Program Fee




An important part of the governance “eco-system” that has received little attention is how subsidiaries and other entities within a group (including joint ventures, associates, and special purpose vehicles) should be governed, and related issues faced by directors in them. Most listed and large unlisted companies are company groups.

Often, entities within these groups operate across several geographies and industries, each bringing its own financial, operational, compliance, and reputational risks, and challenges. Most corporate governance standards and guidelines focus on directors of listed companies and largely ignore the governance issues that entities within a group and directors serving on their boards encounter.


  • Develop an understanding of the issues arising from the potential conflicts of roles of employee, director and shareholders’ representative.
  • Acquire tools to help them achieve resolutions to the dilemmas faced by corporations and individual directors.
  • Directors of parent companies in company groups
  • Executives in organizations who have subsidiary directorship responsibilities
  • Directors in group entities (such as wholly or partly-owned subsidiaries and joint ventures) who are also employees
  • Company secretarial staff
  • Company advisors
  • Regulators

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Governance in Groups

RM 2,500*

*excludes Sales & Service Tax (8%)