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ASB Thought Leadership

The ASB Thought Leadership delves into the profound essence of being an extraordinary and unconventional member of the ASB community at all levels.

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9 June 2020

Innovating inside-out: Why it’s important to join the movement

I was recently interviewed by StarBiz about Iclif’s new programme offering called ‘Innovating Inside-Out’. The well-written piece by Zunaira Saieed was published in The Star on 4th April 2019. A brief background on Innovating Inside-Out: Along with appreciating how innovation has changed in the 21st Century, the Innovating Inside-Out program aims to challenge the top-down […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

Managing by freedom within a framework

“Dr Tan, I’m really fascinated by the Freedom Within A Framework idea.” Olivia, a manager who recently attended our Iclif program shared with me. We were having a follow-up reflection conversation. “But the problem is, I don’t know how to put it into practice.” She continued: “I manage 15 people. I can’t just give everyone […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

How do I want to be remembered?

The 21st Century is an era of the brain. One of the Nobel Prizes given in 2014 was to a group of three scientists—Dr. John O’Keefe, Dr. May-Britt Moser, and Dr. Edvard I. Moser— for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain. As someone who is fascinated by the brain […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

Space noodle

“Another one!” A man in clothes mottled with stains yelled above the congregation. His hand clutched a wrinkled bill as if his life depended on it.  “One for us too. Please! …” A gaunt lady fought to keep their place in line. Clung tight to her legs was an undersized boy with a baby strapped on […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

Overcoming the innovation stigma: Here’s how to do it…

To be an innovator, you must constantly be asking the question: “What doesn’t make sense?”. Mine was: “Why is innovation such a stigmatized word? Considering how important innovation is to the growth, or survival, of organizations, why do most employees I have met are so turned off by being an innovator?”. I recently asked a […]

admin 2020
2 June 2020

The importance of collective leadership

One of the biggest learnings of the ongoing COVID-19 saga is the importance of leadership and the glaring gaps that it has exposed. In situations of global crisis, we turn and seek leadership at all levels, be it global, national, state, corporate, community, and even within our own family units. ‘Corona Times’ has really thrust […]

admin 2020
29 May 2020

Feedback or feel bad?

The last time I drove the missus to town for our regular weekly shopping trip I actually counted the number of road signs that I saw on my side of the road between my house to the wet market. Admittedly there were a few that I had never noticed before this despite having plied that […]

admin 2020
29 May 2020

What can you do with a grape?

The future depends on leaders getting more from ourselves and our people. “What can you do with a single grape?” asked Professor Richard Wolfson of Middlebury College, arguably the best physics instructor in America. Back in 1998, I was still a premedical undergraduate student. I have since tried the question with corporate participants in leadership […]

admin 2020
13 May 2020

3 lessons learned from scaling a fintech company during covid-19

One of the best things about ASB is the opportunity to explore multiple industries and functions that we may not have otherwise through hands-on projects. Action Learning arms us with relevant experience that maximizes our opportunities when we graduate. For Jonathan, Jenie, Utkarsh and me, it meant being part of the scaling journey of Green […]

admin 2020
12 May 2020

ASB contributes to charting the path towards sustainable capital markets in ASEAN

Earlier in March this year, the 32nd ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) Chairs’ Meeting was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, to finalize actionable recommendations under the Roadmap for ASEAN Sustainable Capital Markets, the concept of which had been endorsed by the 5th ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting just over a year ago in April 2019. It […]

admin 2020