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3 December 2020

The 4-CAPS+ leadership model

Having been a leadership coach and consultant over the years, I have had many opportunities to be a part of organizational changes. In 2008, I was brought into a major family-turned-professional business to transform a top-down leadership model into a more decentralized approach. At the Kick-off session of this transformation initiative, the HR Senior Executive […]

admin 2020
24 September 2020

Know where you are, prepare for where you are headed

PETALING JAYA: Having a good grasp of what stage an organisation is in can help business owners better identify the right tools and people needed to bring the company forward. There are unique challenges at each stage of an organisation’s growth and being able to recognise the road ahead gives the company and its leaders […]

admin 2020
7 September 2020

Top 10 smart skills to become market ready transformative leaders

I am asked many, many times, as a professor and public speaker, what skills do I think people need today to develop the most. Do we all need to learn AI, coding, bitcoins, finance? Or do we need to work on communication, negotiation, managing people, etc. At ASB we think believe that “Enough with ‘Soft’ […]

admin 2020
3 September 2020

The Malaysian dream: From Kota Baru to Oxford to MIT-ASB

MALAYSIA’S independence was achieved with the collective strength of all races and religions. Her continued growth and success will also be defined by the continued empowerment of all. Recently, I spoke to a young Malaysian whom I believe exemplifies the Malaysian dream. Dreams usually begin with an idea. For Yizhen Fung from Kota Baru, Kelantan, […]

admin 2020
7 July 2020

Navigating retail operations during a pandemic

Over the past few months, retail businesses have faced both enormous opportunities and unprecedented challenges. Their leaders have had to work hard and fast to take advantage of the changing landscape and transform their businesses, sometimes beyond recognition. Through a panel discussion led by the ASB Career Development Office as part of its “Rejuvenation & […]

admin 2020
3 July 2020

Retirement solutions should harness investment science and technology to shockproof plans

Humankind has made huge strides in technology. Big data and data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are being used in various daily applications and industries. But when it comes to retirement schemes, we appear to be stuck in the past. The leading solution that private retirement planners have come up with is […]

admin 2020
1 July 2020

How MBA students can prepare for the future of blockchain

Just as the MBA Class of 2020 gears up for the job hunt, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) disrupts the global status quo. All around us, we hear news of some industries struggling to make ends meet, while others unexpectedly thrive. No matter the industry, a core resounding message is clear – pivot or face the […]

admin 2020
11 June 2020

I went from multinational agency to full-time entrepreneur and never looked back

Like many of my peers at ASB, I’ve always been an entrepreneur. But perhaps unlike my peers, I’ve often tried to convince myself that I wasn’t — that I was destined for a more traditional career at a prestigious company, following a well-worn path toward the “top.” A year of that later, and I have […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

A 15-year Petronas veteran talks lessons learned on her MBA, family life, and career growth

An engineer and manager at PETRONAS as well as a mother of four, Anis has a demanding schedule. Despite this, she not only survived the ASB MBA, but considers it “the best educational experience” she has had. Read her advice, and find out how she has grown her career post-MBA, below. What have you been […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

Are you popcorned

“If you’ve been doing the same thing for more than 2 years, then you might as well be in a coma” Dr David Rock, the founder of the Neuroleadership Institute, an integrated field that merges hard science with soft skills of leadership, stated during the American Society for Training and Development (Now known as ATD) […]

admin 2020
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