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9 June 2020

Critical conversations

“Ooops. I spoke too soon. Didn’t I ?”  “Yes you did. And I was about to add my thoughts to the list but when I heard you say nitpick, I changed my mind. Why do you like to say things like that?” “I didn’t mean to. I realised I should be quiet the moment I […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

The best way to create your desired culture: Walk the talk!

“I won’t allow it!” Kurt Herwald, a 38-year old former weightlifter CEO of Stevens Aviation said emphatically. “That is our slogan; you can’t just take it. Either call off your campaign or give us proper compensation. Otherwise, we’ll see you in court!”  In 1992, Southwest Airlines ran into dispute with a small aviation service operation […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

The power of propinquity

If you love something; set it freeIf it comes back, then it’s yours foreverIf it doesn’t, then it was never yours in the first place Do you agree with the above saying? Is true love a function of proximity? Whether or not this is true for you, brain science may suggest otherwise! Let me explain. […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

Why leaders should think twice before saying ‘We are family’!

Is it always a good thing for people in the organisation to be like a family? “I don’t want us to be like family anymore at work. Rather, I want everyone to feel we are a professional football team.” Declared the newly appointed CEO of a large Asian conglomerate during their first Town Hall meeting. […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

What to do if you still have 60 years left after retirement?

A growing trend of the ‘Rich and Lost’ population in the Open Source era Is it possible to be ‘rich’ and be ‘lost’? You bet it is! Among the trends of the 21st Century is leaders who have become successful at an unprecedentedly young age: the so-called billionaire teenagers. The 2016 Forbes Billionaires List contained […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

Becoming the 1%: leading in the age of possibilities

21st Century is an era of fear and hope. Have you ever heard of the 20/80 Rule or 80/20 Rule? In the year 1896, an Italian economist by the name of Vilfredo Pareto found something very interesting. He found out that 20% of the pea pods in his garden are responsible for 80% of the […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

Great to good

Yes, you read it right. The title of this piece is ‘Great to Good’. I’m going to talk about how, in the 21st Century, we need ‘Goodness’ more than ‘Greatness’ when it comes to innovation. Between 1996-2001, Jim Collins’ team researched and wrote a bestselling book called Good to Great. They described 11 out of […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

How to work with an autocratic leader

esort to shutting up and following orders, then you come across as lacking innovation and not thinking out-of-the-box. So, what to do? How do you work with such leadership behaviors? Especially with someone who has a position power and authority over you? Even if your leader is well on their way to becoming a positive […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

Want to innovate faster? Focus on the cream not the cone

Focus on The Cream Not The Cone (FoCre) means to forgo the conventional model of Talent Acquiring and move towards Idea Harvesting when it comes to innovation. We have tried the former for decades with continued challenges, as reviewed later in this piece. FoCre requires, however, an organizational paradigm shift from ‘focus on people’ to ‘focus […]

admin 2020
9 June 2020

Get your employees a think buddy to capture innovation

What happened the last time you had a crazy idea? Who did you talk to? What did they say? Here are some possible responses depending on who you chose to share with. You: “I have a crazy idea”Team: “Why don’t YOU do it?”Boss: “What is your implementation plan?”Mentor: “Don’t repeat my mistakes.”Coach: “How much have you been thinking about this?” […]

admin 2020