Asia School of Business

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Program offers Masters Degree in Central Banking

The work of central banking has become ever more complicated since the global financial crisis ushered in an era of unconventional policy tools a decade ago. Now the Kuala Lumpur-based Asia School of Business is launching a full-time Master of Central Banking degree to help meet the challenges.

Aimed at mid-career central bank officials, the year-long residential program, slated to begin next summer, will include six weeks of study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The bill: $88,000, including travel and accommodation.

Its website says the program is “designed to nurture central bankers for a future of fast-changing financial markets and an increasingly digitalized world.” The curriculum includes monetary policy, financial stability, reserve management, digital technology and crisis management, among other topics.

Read the full article here.
This article was originally published on Bloomberg News

To learn more about the Master of Central Banking program, please visit: Master in Central Banking