Asia School of Business

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Executive Education

Risk Management & the Internal Control System

Executive Education

Risk Management & the Internal Control System





RM 1,500*

Program Fee




Given that oversight of an organization’s risks is one of the key responsibilities of the Board, this program seeks to equip mid-level managers with a broad overview of a typical risk management framework. It will also clarify the importance of having a robust risk management framework in place.

The program will elaborate how to identify and categories risks; discuss what is involved in setting an appropriate risk profile; consider the different risk management roles in an organization; provide tools and techniques on how to measure, assess and treat risks; and clarify the role of internal controls in risk management. It will also consider the formulation of an internal audit plan.

  • Learn how to identify and categorize risks
  • Learn how to set an appropriate risk profile
  • Learn about risk management roles within an organization
  • Learn tools and techniques on how to measure, assess and treat risks
  • Learn the role of internal controls in risk management

Mid-level managers who wish to understand the role and function of risk management and its importance for organisations.

Note: this program will run only with sufficient numbers. If you have registered, you will be notified in due course

Gillian Ng

Executive Director,
Executive Education

Faculty Profile

Gillian Ng is Executive Director of Iclif Executive Education Center of the Asia School of Business. She heads the team that is responsible for the running of a whole host of corporate governance programs including the Financial Institutions Directors’ Education (FIDE) program, the Mandatory Accreditation Program (MAP), the Money Services Business Directors’ Education Program (MDEP) and the Shariah Leaders Education program for shariah committee members of Islamic financial institutions.

Gillian is the Lead Faculty for MDEP. She also teaches in the Pathway to a Governance Practitioner Program namely the Risk Management module and other custom-built programs. Before that, she was in Bank Negara Malaysia and was in the Prudential Financial Policy Department where the area of work tasked under her was to improve the level of Corporate Governance in the financial sector. She has also had more than 20 years of experience in the area of Statutory and Internal Auditing, Forensic Investigations and setting up Enterprise Risk Management Systems for various Public Listed Companies.

Gillian was appointed to the National Mirrors Committee (Governance of Organizations Committee) under the ambit of the Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC) and headed the Secretariat team to the National Special Committee on Corporate Governance (NSCCG) which is the Committee reporting to the Special Committee on Anti-Corruption led by the Prime Minister.

Gillian holds a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Accounting and Business Administration from the Strathclyde Business School in Glasgow where she was awarded a Best in Class Scholarship. She also completed her Certified Public Accounting (MICPA) exams and was a PWC Silver medallist for the subject of Management Information Systems. In November 2017, Gillian was awarded the FT Non-Executive Director Program (Level 7) Diploma (with a score of 100% for every module).

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Risk Management & the Internal Control System

RM 1,500*

*excludes Sales & Service Tax (8%)


Program Fee

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