Asia School of Business

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Executive Education – Leadership & Management

Leading Organization and Change

Executive Education – Leadership & Management

Leading Organization and Change

September 9, 2024


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


RM 2,500*

Program Fee




Mastering effective leadership is pivotal for managerial success. Our program offers a streamlined approach to this challenge, focusing on three key objectives.

Firstly, you’ll gain a framework for enhancing individual, group, and organizational performance. Secondly, we’ll equip you with vital leadership skills necessary for influencing and managing people within organizations. Thirdly, through reflective journaling of your workplace experiences, we’ll illustrate how the concepts and practices discussed directly apply to your professional context.

Our sessions seamlessly bridge theory with real-world scenarios, empowering you to immediately apply effective management strategies. Elevate your management game and turn theory into action with us! Join now to unlock the pathway to managerial success.

  • To understand management of cross-cultural differences and how to make better use of these differences
  • To help you manage individuals for high performance by increasing your understanding of individual and interpersonal behavior
  • To help you manage groups for high performance
  • To help you understand the challenges of leading and changing organizations
  • Middle level managers seeking to enhance their leadership skills and improve organizational performance
  • HR professionals responsible for talent management and organizational development
Michael Frese

Distinguished Professor,
Professor of Organization & Management

Faculty Profile

Professor Frese holds appointments at Asia Business School (Malaysia) and Leuphana University of Lueneburg (Germany). Prior appointments were at NUS (former Head of Department and Provost chair), at University of Giessen (chair for work and organizational psychology) and visitng professor at London Business School; professorial appointments also at University of Bremen, at University of Pennsylvania, at LMU (Munich) and at UvA (Amsterdam). He lectured internationally – as visiting professor in the USA (e.g., Maryland, Michigan State), Sweden, Zimbabwe, Brazil, China (Zheijang Univ), Uganda (continuous visiting professor at Markerere University Business School), and elsewhere. Professor Frese was a student at Univ of Regensburg (BA=Vorplom), Free University of Berlin (Diploma = MSc) and Technical University Berlin (PhD).

Professor Frese’s research spans a wide range of basic and applied topics within organizational behavior and work psychology. Most important are his longitudinal studies on psychological effects of unemployment, impact of stress at work, predictors of personal initiative, as well as psychological success factors of entrepreneurs. His field studies on errors, error management, and error management culture have received wide attention. In the area of training are concepts of error management training, leadership training and training to improve entrepreneurial success and personal initiative. He studied cultural factors in organizations and across nations, as well as success factors in entrepreneurs in developing countries (Africa, Latin America, and Asia). He is known for his (cross-national) research on innovation, most recently innovation processes in Asia.

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Leading Organization and Change

RM 2,500*

*excludes Sales & Service Tax (8%)


Program Fee

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