Asia School of Business

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Executive Education- Sustainability

Company Secretary: Assistant, Adviser or Both?
(Registration Closed)

Company Secretary: Assistant, Adviser or Both?
(Registration Closed)





RM 1,200

Program Fee








Program Fee



The role of company secretaries has expanded beyond their traditional role. As the link between the board and management, they should be assertive and capitalize on their role as the only person who has access to all aspects of the organization’s business. How can company secretaries obtain the confidence of their board members and become governance advisers instead of just assistants to the Board?

How can they gain a ‘seat at the table’ by adding value to discussions on business strategy, operations and risk management? How can they provide valuable guidance to management about the information that the board requires in order to make informed decisions? How can they assist to improve board dynamics and the relationship between the board and management?

In this workshop, company secretaries will learn how to be proactive and navigate their organizational culture and politics to build strong relationships with board members. They will learn how to capitalize on the insights gained from board papers and board meetings to improve the relationship between the board and management while strengthening their position as an adviser to the board.

They will be exposed to future developments especially in the area of ESG risks that could affect the company’s business. They will also be provided with information on how to address this with management and the board.

  • Understand the role of the modern company secretary
  • Understand how to develop strong relations with the board and management
  • Develop techniques to enrich the type and quality of information that goes to the board
  • Obtain knowledge about new ESG risk areas to advise management and the board
  • Company Secretaries

Elsa Satkunasingam

Faculty Profile

Dr Elsa Satkunasingam is a Senior Business Development Adviser Corporate Governance at the Iclif Executive Education Center at Asia School of Business. She conducts training programs and carries out research in corporate governance. She was formerly the Deputy General Manager, Corporate Secretariat Division as Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM) specializing in research and training on corporate governance and compliance.

She was also the head of the Corporate Governance Department at Bursa Malaysia and was involved in the development of the 2nd edition of the Corporate Governance Guide, the Sustainability Reporting Guide and Toolkits and the AGM Guide for Listed Companies. She also reviewed governance disclosures in annual reports of listed issuers which resulted in each company receiving an individual report of their disclosures and areas for improvement.

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Company Secretary: Assistant, Adviser or Both?
(Registration Closed)

RM 1,200

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