Asia School of Business

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Executive Education

Board Dynamics & Effectiveness

Executive Education

Board Dynamics & Effectiveness





RM 1,200*

Program Fee




Board dynamics is critical to board effectiveness. It is a function of having an appropriate board composition in terms of skills, competencies, experience and diversity; effective leadership from the Chair and where applicable the senior/lead independent director; and a culture of mutual respect, trust and constructive dissent.

This workshop will discuss the factors that influence board dynamics; how to identify dysfunctional board cultures that may harm board dynamics; board practices and processes that are critical for ensuring healthy board dynamics (including the role of the nominating committee); and building a mutually respectful and trusting relationship with management while discharging fiduciary duties.

  • Understand the importance of healthy board dynamics and the factors that influence board dynamics;
  • Identify signs of dysfunctional board dynamics that undermine board effectiveness, critical faultlines and strategies for avoiding them;
  • Understand the important attributes of the Chair (and senior/lead independent director where applicable) that affect board dynamics;
  • Understand good practices in the board and nominating committee (such as search and nomination processes, succession planning and board assessments) for improving board dynamics;
  • Understand the importance of a trusting and collaborative relationship with management while verifying and constructively challenging to discharge duties.

Board of directors.

Note: this program will run only with sufficient numbers. If you have registered, you will be notified in due course

Mak Yuen Teen

Visiting Faculty

Faculty Profile

Professor Mak Yuen Teen teaches at the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore, where he founded Singapore’s first corporate governance center in 2003 and founded the Centre for Investor Protection in 2024. He served on three of the four corporate governance committees set up by the Singapore authorities to develop and revise the code of corporate governance and currently serves on the Corporate Governance Advisory Committee under MAS.

Professor Mak has produced a guide for Nominating Committees with KPMG, and served on the advisory panel of the Singapore Institute of Directors which produced the Nominating Committee Guidebook. Between 2000 to 2005, he served on the Governing Council of the Singapore Institute of Directors.

He has written or edited nearly 300 corporate governance case studies and produced numerous reports on corporate governance. He also developed various corporate governance ratings and also the Singapore expert involved in the development of the ASEAN CG Scorecard. Professor Mak has extensive experience conducting training for directors, regulators and other professionals.

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Board Dynamics & Effectiveness

RM 1,200*

*excludes Sales & Service Tax (8%)


Program Fee

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