Thun (Tan) Thamrongnawasawat
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Dr. Thun Thamrongnawasawat (Tan), as he likes to be called, is one of the foremost experts on dissecting complex management and business models and cascading them for easy implementation by companies across different industries. His innovative B.A.S.E. model has inspired numerous organizations to transform. He’s the author of the Brain-Based Leadership book series (2013 – 2016), a bestselling The Leadership Journey (2018) and a regular newspaper columnist. In 2015, Dr. Tan was the recipient of World HRD Congress’s “Global Coaching Leadership Award” and named “Consultant of the Year” by the Ministry of Industry, Thailand.
Dr. Tan began his career at the Boston Consulting Group before holding a series of management positions at global pharmaceutical companies including Merck Ltd and Colgate Palmolive. He joined the Slingshot Group in 2009 as a Principal Partner, where he specialized in neuroscience of leadership, leading change, strengths-based development, strategic thinking and executive coaching. Over the decades, he has worked with over 100 national & international companies including Nestle, HSBC, Biersdorf, GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myer Squibb and BMW.
Dr. Tan grew up in Thailand and primarily works out of Bangkok, Thailand and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Outside of Asia, he spent 16 years in three other continents and holds MSc and PhD degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, including an ExMSc in neuroleadership. His passion is to help leaders use what we know about the brain to unleash people’s potential.