Asia School of Business

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Executive Education- Sustainability

Managing by Freedom Within the Framework
(Registration Closed)

Managing by Freedom Within the Framework
(Registration Closed)





RM 3,000

Program Fee








Program Fee



In today’s business environment, speed is critical, as is the ability to remain agile and nimble in an ever-changing landscape. Decentralization and delegation can speed decision making, but only make sense in organizations where alignment is strong.

Toward this end, organizations and leaders should relook at how they are managing their people through an approach we call Freedom Within The Framework (FWiF).  This framework addresses a core question:  how much freedom can you give your people while avoiding unnecessary risks?

Conversely, how can a manager know if working constraints are too tight, leading to lack of trust and agility? Freedom Within the Framework addresses this conundrum.

This program will guide the assessment of freedom appropriate to each team. The program engages participants with the Six Zones of FWiF in an interactive session, where each participant will have a chance to experience how to apply this management style, which is particularly suitable for the digital era.

This program builds on material from Iclif’s most recent book, Open Source Leadership: Reinventing Management When There’s No More Business as Usual (McGraw-Hill, October 2017), by Rajeev Peshawaria.

  • To understand Freedom Within the Framework in context of open source leadership
  • To discuss the applicability and restrictions of implementing such practice in the organization
  • To practice using tool Managing by Freedom Within the Framework with your team members

Whether you are a (micro)manager who is struggling to empower and give freedom to the team, or one that is dealing with many headaches caused by past decisions that need to be reassessed, this program will provide a fresh new and practical perspective for your future organization.

Thun (Tan) Thamrongnawasawat

Faculty Profile

Dr. Thun’s research and teaching focuses on dissecting complex management and business models and cascading them for easy implementation by companies cross different industries. His robust B.A.S.E. model has inspired numerous organizations in their transformation processes.

He’s the author of the Brain-Based Leadership book series (2013-2016), a bestselling The Leadership Journey (2018) and is a regular newspaper columnist. In 2015, Dr Thun was the recipient of World HRD Congress’s “Global Coaching Leadership Award” and named “Consultant of the Year” by the Ministry of Industry, Thailand.

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Managing by Freedom Within the Framework
(Registration Closed)

RM 3,000

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