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9 December 2021

The Edge Malaysia: My Say: Driving EV Adoption Sustainably

When it comes to our mobility, the popularisation of electric vehicles (EV) symbolises the combination of advancements in technology coupled with the urgency of climate change. Globally, we are still not meeting the target greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. Countries like China intend to phase out internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles by 2030, Singapore by […]

admin 2021
25 November 2021

MIT Sloan Welcomes Inaugural Class of Central Bankers to MIT Campus

Press Release by MIT Sloan School Of Management – 9 November 2021  CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — MIT Sloan School of Management has welcomed to its campus the inaugural class of the Asia School of Business (ASB) Master of Central Banking (MCB) program. The MCB class, consisting of central bankers from across the globe, will engage in six […]

admin 2021
25 November 2021

Shaping the Future of Healthcare: Proactive, Multidisciplinary, and Outcome-Based

As our population continues to age, it’s important to think about the future of healthcare. Especially after our experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the realization that there is a need to migrate from the current face-to-face channels to new norms brought about by digital transformation. The recent Recovery & Growth session organized by Asia […]

admin 2021
10 November 2021

Essay on Adam Smith | Book V: Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth

Note: Full essay reproduced by permission of the author Book V of the Wealth of Nations, ‘Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth’ concludes Smith’s magnum opus. Having criticised the existing state of government involvement in the economy in Book IV, Smith uses Book V to outline his principles regarding when and how governments […]

admin 2021
10 November 2021

ASB Founder and Co-Chair Tan Sri Dr Zeti Aziz Contributes to Discourse in Glasgow Regarding Public Policy Towards Climate Change, with Her Interpretation of the Work of Adam Smith Applied to the World’s Contemporary Challenges

Press Release from the Asia School of Business (ASB)  – 9 November 2021  Kuala Lumpur, MY. Nov 9, 2021: In conjunction with the COP26 UN Conference on Climate Change in Glasgow, Scotland, the Edinburgh-based Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI), together with the University of Glasgow and Royal London, is honoring the monumental contributions of Glasgow’s most famous economist, Adam Smith, […]

admin 2021
8 November 2021

Crude Oil Heading North

“Renato Lima-de-Oliveira, an assistant professor of business and society at Asia School of Business and a fellow of the Centre for Market Education, said this year has been a positive year for oil companies after a disastrous 2020. He said it is likely that 2022 would be even better, with the full recovery of production […]

admin 2021
5 November 2021

Covid-19: A Prelude to What is to Come if We don’t Avert Climate Change

If the extinction of the human race was a rock concert, Covid-19 would be the opening act and the Climate Crisis the star of the show. It really is that simple. Covid-19, while devastating, is just the opening gambit for what is to come: the deterioration of our planet to the point where mankind will cease to exist. Already, the picture that scientists are painting for us of […]

admin 2021
30 September 2021

Does Everyone Need to be a Leader?

There are usually two types of people when it comes to being given the opportunity to lead. One type welcomes it, while another gives excuses for why they are not fit for the job. In a recent webinar entitled “Leading Self and Others” hosted for the staff at Asia School of Business, Muhammad Sabri Rawi, Senior Lecturer at Asia School […]

admin 2021
28 September 2021

Conversations on Central Banking: Building Resilience and Policy Frameworks [Webinar Recap]

Asia School of Business, established in 2015 by Bank Negara Malaysia and MIT Sloan School of Management, is a leading school of management focused on challenging conventional thinking and creating change beyond just business. ASB offers an MBA for both regular students and working professionals. The school has also started a Master of Central Banking […]

admin 2021
27 September 2021

Conversations on Central Banking: Bloated Central Bank Balance Sheets [Webinar Recap]

Asia School of Business, established in 2015 by Bank Negara Malaysia and MIT Sloan School of Management, is a leading school of management focused on challenging conventional thinking and creating change beyond just business. ASB offers an MBA for both regular students and working professionals. The school has also started a Master of Central Banking […]

admin 2021