Asia School of Business

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Agronomy Manager, CSS

Position Level: Manager

Company Overview

The CSS Livelihood Improvement Initiative focuses on improving livelihoods of oil palm smallholders by increasing yields from existing lands. Through local training and programs it builds capability through good agricultural practices (GAP). The Livelihood Improvement initiative primarily focuses on two aspects i.e. Yield intensification by increasing FFB yield using good agricultural practices (GAP) in existing independent smallholder farms and Diffusion of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) to a larger smallholder community

Principal Duties and Responsibilities
  • Assessing agronomic suitability of CSS-shortlisted pairs of farms to become Core Learning Farm (LeFa) & Check Farm.
  • Preparation of field map for each farm, & selection of sample points for plant & soil sampling, & growth measurements in each farm. This includes producing the field map in MS-Excel.
    • Data collection in each farm, including:
      1. Plant growth measurements
      2. Collection of oil palm tissue samples
      3. Collection of soil samples
      4. GAP audits, and
      5. Other data – for example, disease or pest related data.
  • Processing of plant & soil samples collected in the Field Office, including supervision of Field Assistants in doing the same, and preparation & packing of processed samples for onward despatch to analytical laboratory & for storage as B samples.
  • Managing tools & equipment needed for the execution of the above activities in the fields and at the Field Office.
  • Maintaining records of work done, including assisting the Senior Agronomist in producing a weekly work plan & weekly activities report for sharing with CSS and the Oil Palm Advisor.
  • Data management & processing, including:
    1. Maintaining all raw data sheets on fi le for reference,
    2. Collating all data collected into digital format in MS-Excel,
    3. Computation of derived information from the raw data,
    4. Basic statistical analysis of the results,
    5. Summarization of the results, and
    6. Periodic reporting &/or reviews of progressive results.
  • Preparation for & execution of Field Days on selected GAP, including preparation of notes & other supporting materials (which may include demonstration plots) related to the Field Day topic.
  • Maintain contact / relationship with the following parties to help ensure smooth running of Core LeFa activities:
    1. LeFa farmers – to facilitate / encourage GAP implementation in the Core LeFa,
    2. Check farmers – to facilitate visits for audits / data collection in their farms,
    3. Contractors who manage Core LeFa or Check farms – for same reasons above,
    4. FFB Collection Centres involved – for relevant support / information,
    5. CSS team mates – for relevant support / information, and
    6. Oil Palm Advisor – for technical guidance / advice.
Qualification & Skills:


  • Bachelor’s Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree
  • Has a sociable nature, tactful & able to interact with & desire to help farmers
  • Desire / willingness / open-ness to learn from all sources (including uneducated farmers)
  • Able to work under pressure and not a clock-watcher, and
  • Logical reasoning & ability to analyze situations & adapt.

Interested applicants are urged to submit their resume, cover letter and any relevant additional documentation.