Asia School of Business

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Every Day is Day 1: Asia School of Business Introduces New Changes to MBA Program

As a further evolution of an already innovative curriculum, we are introducing key changes to our MBA program at Asia School of Business. These include greater flexibility in program duration to position students to better capture dynamic career opportunities in Asia, new concentrations in high-demand specializations, and a greater focus on entrepreneurial skillsets.

Flexible Program Duration Geared at Capturing Career Opportunities

Starting with the Class of 2023, full-time MBA students will have the opportunity to complete the full 20-month program which includes electives and optional concentrations – or, to complete the program in an accelerated manner, within 16 months.

This new flexibility is based on the insight and understanding that recruiting cycles in the region are very short, and many employers tend to make hiring decisions over a two to three-month horizon.

 ASB students now have the option to complete their core courses ahead of schedule, giving them more flexibility in their job hunt and positioning them for maximum success in capturing the opportunities presented in this dynamic region.

Concentrations in Finance and Analytics and Supply Chain

Additionally, we’ve introduced options for concentrations in Finance & Analytics and Supply Chain. In the last few years, we have expanded our range of elective course offerings and continued to grow the size of our teaching faculty in response to our students’ diverse needs. Based on student feedback and market demand, we’re excited to now offer specializations in these two disciplines as part of the MBA Certificate.

Greater Focus on Cultivating Entrepreneurial Skills

As an entrepreneurial and innovative business school, we wanted to equip our students for entrepreneurial careers. We believe that entrepreneurial skill sets are essential for every future leader, regardless of whether our graduates end up founding ventures or becoming intrapreneurs. The rate of change in today’s digital and globally interconnected world has brought about increasing uncertainty and the need for innovation and new solutions to solve our most pressing challenges.

With this in mind, we have added into our core curriculum an Entrepreneurship Trek that will span the first four semesters (16 months) and impart crucial entrepreneurial skills through hands-on learning experiences. During this trek, they will ideate, prototype, and eventually pitch their own products/service businesses to mentors, industry leaders, and angel investors, guided by ASB’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (IEC).

Figure 1 Updated MBA Model

Figure 2 Comparison chart of MBA Model

With these key changes to our MBA program, we hope to further advance our students’ post-MBA success and meet the market’s diverse needs for upskilling and talent in this fast-growing region.