Asia School of Business

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Micro-Credential in Platforms: Marketplaces and Digitization

Market Design and Strategy

(HRDCorp Course Series No: 10001438447)
Videos are available beginning April 7, 2025
Course Credits: 1.5 Credits


This course provides an overview of topics in advanced business economics. The course is divided into three modules – 1) Market Design, Platforms & Matching Theory, 2) Auction Theory & Design, and 3) Game Theory with Incomplete Information.

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Through a combination of videos, quizzes, experiments, and guest lectures, you will learn the following:

  1. What makes platforms different than traditional businesses: the study of networks effects and how they fundamentally change how customer acquisition works.
  2. Practical tips on how to build marketplaces well: by learning from industry experts and case studies, you will be able to spot what types marketplaces will die and which will thrive.
  3. Basics on matching theory and what makes matching markets different than traditional market: expand your knowledge on the fundamentals of economics, markets, by exploring different types of markets and how the dynamics will differ accordingly.
  4. Auction theory: you will learn what an auction is, how to design one, and how to compete in one to achieve your objectives.
  5. The best way to decide who gets what and why: we will explore negotiations versus auctions in an attempt to figure out what’s the most efficient way to allocate resources.
  6. Strategic thinking in the presence of limited or incomplete information:
    through the lens of game theory, a Nobel Prize-winning theory of studying strategic interactions between different parties, you will learn how to best anticipate the moves of your competitors in order to formulate your best response to them.

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Outline and understand the fundamental characteristics surrounding platform businesses and businesses with network effects.
  • Explain the nature of competition amongst businesses and develop strategic thinking by utilizing game theoretic models.
  • Master the knowledge of auctions, specifically on how to optimize actions within one and how to create one as a designer.
  • Business leaders and executives seeking to understand platform and auction theory and more advance economics topics such as game theory and strategy.
  • Entrepreneurs people in business who want to understand how to build marketplaces.
  • Regulators interested in understanding how platforms are distinct from traditional businesses and how to best govern them.
  • Individuals interested in understanding the evolving business landscape of platforms and how it has changed, and will continue changing, the way we interact with businesses.
  • Business strategists looking to drive innovation and competitive advantage through a deeper understanding of economics.

Basic understanding of supply and demand would be nice to have but is not compulsory.

Class Structure

Video Learning

Before the live sessions, you will watch short video lectures lasting 20 to 40 minutes and complete assignments to cement your understanding of the videos.

Live Sessions

The live sessions are held in hybrid format, beginning with a review of the video lecture and followed by a discussion of the case of the day.


Total 5 to 6 weeks (this includes time for learners to watch videos before the first live session).

First Live-session
Second Live-session
Third Live-session
Fourth Live-session

First Live-session
Second Live-session
Third Live-session
Fourth Live-session


Melati Nungsari

Associate Professor II Economics and Deputy Dean of Research & Research Affiliate at MIT Sloan School of Management

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Micro-Credential in Platforms: Marketplaces and Digitization

Market Design and Strategy

RM8,500 or approximately USD1,848*

*This ACE course, which is part of ASB’s accredited degree programs, is exempted from Malaysian SST.

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