Asia School of Business

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Program Overview

The world is being transformed by several concurrent phenomena: climate change, game-changing technology, fragmented work-styles, remote work, the gig economy, changing demographics, global conflict, new paradigms for education, and a rapidly changing talent landscape. The impacts on recruiting, talent retention, employee benefits, employee well-being and the future of businesses is likely to be tectonic. In this contemporaneous moment, we discuss the implications for the workforce, for organizations, for all key aspects of organizational behaviour, and for the future of companies.


Join us at the Future of People@Work to discuss these implications for the workforce and organizations, and to ideate the future of enterprises. Contributions will be published in a report by the Asia School of Business.

The Agenda

1:30 p.m.Registration and Coffee
2:00 p.m.

Key Trends Shaping the Future of Work in Malaysia

2:10 p.m.

A.I, Skills of the Future, and Continuous Learning

Sanjay Sarma, CEO, President and Dean, ASB
2:45 p.m.

How to Train Your Employees: Cultivate Acceptance of Machines by Understanding Employees’ Mindsets

Alexander Eng, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, ASB
3:15 p.m.

Rethinking Work and Upskilling Panel Discussion

Moderated by Wang Yi-Ren, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, ASB
Siva Kumeren A. Narayanan, Group Chief Operating Officer, TalentCorp
Ahmad Hezri Adnan, Director, Group Sustainability, Bursa Malaysia
Tooba Modassir, Chief Human Resources Officer, Citi Malaysia
4:15 p.m.

Workplaces of the Future Jam Sessions

Talent Management and Retention
Moderator: Sanjay Sarma, CEO, President & Dean, ASB
AI and Innovation in the Workplace
Moderator: Alexander Eng, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, ASB
Equity in the Workplace
Moderator: Yi-Ren Wang, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, ASB & International Faculty Fellow at MIT
5:15 p.m.

Networking Reception