Asia School of Business

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Executive Education - Corporate Governance

Beyond Box-Ticking: Essentials for Effective Remuneration Committees
(August 15, 2024)

Executive Education - Corporate Governance

Beyond Box-Ticking: Essentials for Effective Remuneration Committees
(August 15, 2024)

15 August 2024


9.00am – 5.00pm


RM 2,500

per pax (before SST)
USD550 before SST (foreign participants)

In-person program

ONLINE option is available only to overseas participants and Malaysians who are traveling on the event date.

Remuneration of non-executive directors, senior management and other key officers often come under considerable scrutiny from shareholders, regulators and the media. Over the last decade, many developed countries around the world have introduced “say on pay” legislation which provides shareholders with binding or advisory votes on remuneration policies and packages of CEOs and other top executives.

Remuneration policies are closely linked to corporate culture and poorly-designed remuneration policies are often major contributors to fraud and misconduct in companies. The Remuneration Committee is therefore often under the spotlight and has to deal with important matters relating to remuneration policies and design, and setting of remuneration levels and mix for directors and key management.

  • Decide on the composition of the remuneration committee and scope of its responsibilities;
  • Understand current controversies and trends relating to remuneration;
  • Understand key issues relating to director and key management personnel remuneration;
  • Formulate appropriate remuneration policies that motivate performance and the right behaviors;
  • Understand the pros and cons of cash versus share-based remuneration; and features and pros and cons of different types of share-based remuneration;
  • Set remuneration packages of non-executive directors, executive directors, key management and other key employees;
  • Understand key issues such as bonus formulas; bonus pools; deferrals; malus and clawbacks; benchmarking; selection of peer companies, performance measures and targets; vesting of share-based remuneration; use of share-based remuneration for non-executive directors;
  • Understand the common pitfalls and risks relating to poorly-designed remuneration policies;
  • Learn how to link remuneration to ESG.
  • Chairman of Boards
  • Board Remuneration Committee Members
  • Board of Directors
  • Anyone who might find this program helpful.

Prof. Mak Yuen Teen

Faculty Profile

Professor Mak Yuen Teen teaches at the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore, where he founded Singapore’s first corporate governance center in 2003. He served on three of the four corporate governance committees set up by the Singapore authorities to develop and revise the code of corporate governance, including the first committee in 2000 and the most recent committee under the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) which released the 2018 Singapore Code. He currently serves on the Corporate Governance Advisory Committee under MAS aimed at continually raising corporate governance standards for listed companies in Singapore.

Professor Mak has produced a guide for Nominating Committees with KPMG, and served on the advisory panel of the Singapore Institute of Directors which produced the Nominating Committee Guidebook. Between 2000 to 2005, he served on the Governing Council of the Singapore Institute of Directors. He is a member of the Advisory Council of the Vietnam Independent Directors Association and a member of the International Advisory Board of the Hawkamah Institute for Corporate Governance in Dubai.

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Beyond Box-Ticking: Essentials for Effective Remuneration Committees (August 15, 2024)

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